
In the heart of outdoor recreation lies a strong connection to the land, a sense of shared ownership, and a dedication to preserving the natural world we hold close. Nowhere is this spirit more evident than in the world of snowmobiling.

Access to the outdoors in BC is a cherished privilege, particularly for snowmobilers who understand the importance of responsible enjoyment. With 18,000 kilometers of trails, volunteer snowmobile organizations are vital custodians of managed public recreation areas. Their tireless work with government, landowners, and First Nations enriches recreation opportunities, and their unique "pay to play" model funds public infrastructure through day use fees and snowmobile registration dollars. 

Since 1965, the BC Snowmobile Federation (BCSF) has united the snowmobiling community, advocating for responsible use and balanced land preservation. Stewardship here means embracing opportunities to ensure harmony between recreation and nature.

Why does stewardship matter? It's the cornerstone of a sustainable relationship between BC's landscapes and our desire to live, work, and explore them responsibly. Join us on this journey as we weave adventure and responsibility, nurturing the very essence of our beloved province.