Counting the True Cost: Why BC Snowmobile Club Membership is Priceless

In an era when we're all feeling the financial squeeze, BC's volunteer-driven snowmobile clubs are grappling with mounting expenses that inevitably push up membership fees. As a result, budget-conscious riders now stand at a crossroads. Are you prepared to dedicate your entire snowmobiling season to a single stomping ground by committing to a membership, or do you prefer the flexibility of day tickets, allowing you to explore the snowy wonders of multiple regions? We understand the choices you're making, as we know that many of you are wrestling with this common dilemma. We all have one shared objective in mind - maximizing the enjoyment of our snowmobiling season while conscientiously managing our finances.

This is precisely where the remarkable value of a BC snowmobile club membership comes into play. Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the practical benefits of memberships, and delve into how a membership offers a distinctive set of advantages that go far beyond the ordinary, significantly enriching your overall snowmobiling experience and investment.

1. A Statement of Support for Organized Snowmobiling:

When you invest in a membership with a BC snowmobile club, you're doing more than just buying a pass – you're making a bold statement of support for organized snowmobiling across the province. You become part of a strong, unified voice advocating for our sport. This solidarity is vital, as it empowers us to protect our beloved riding areas from potential loss.

2. Membership Benefits: Beyond the Trail:

Your club membership isn't just a pass to ride; it's your gateway to a treasure chest of benefits. BC Snowmobile Federation (BCSF) members enjoy discounts on insurance, hotels, gear, avalanche education, and more. The savings on insurance alone offset the cost of membership, making it a financially savvy choice. Discover member benefits HERE

3. Fueling Local Infrastructure:

Behind the scenes, club volunteers are the unsung heroes of snowmobiling. They dedicate countless hours to maintain and improve local trails, ensuring safe and enjoyable riding conditions. When you join a club, your membership fees directly fund these critical efforts. You're not just buying a pass; you're investing in the infrastructure that makes your snowmobiling adventures possible. Read more HERE.

4. The Power of One Membership:

Even if you plan to explore multiple riding areas, starting with a membership at one club is a strategic move. Your primary club membership serves as the foundation of your snowmobiling journey, providing access to industry communications, your local trails, and the community that surrounds them. It's your way of saying, "I'm here, and I'm committed." Read more HERE.

5. Expanding Your Horizons:

With a solid foundation in place, you can now explore memberships or day passes for other riding areas. Don’t forget that riders only pay the BCSF portion of a membership once a year - the $40 discount will be automatically applied at checkout online for any subsequent memberships purchased at other clubs. Many also offer a discount on day tickets if you are a member at another Federation club. This approach allows you to diversify your experiences without overextending your budget.

6. Safeguarding Our Riding Areas:

It's crucial to understand that the potential cost of losing a club or organized riding area is far greater than the price of a membership. If membership sales decrease around the province, it weakens our ability to negotiate as a strong unified voice. We risk losing not only trails but also our influence in land use planning, safety programs, and other critical aspects of snowmobiling.

So, gear up, become a club member, and get ready to embark on an rewarding snowmobiling season. Together, we're not just riders; we're advocates, adventurers, and the driving force behind the bright future of snowmobiling in our province. 

Happy trails!




Every week in October thru December 2023, we celebrate our members with ‘#WinnerWednesdays’—a day of excitement, anticipation, and the chance to win big. With each membership purchased, you're not only supporting the future of snowmobiling but also entering a weekly draw for incredible prizes that add an extra layer of exhilaration to your journey. Contest rules


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